Our Facilities

5396 ft of floor space

A comfortable reception area

Physician and coordinator offices, as well as specific spaces to meet the needs of raters and unblinded study staff

Private offices for CRAs with access to internet, copier, scanner, and fax

A secure study documentation storage room

Secure archival storage

Two autopheresis plasma collection systems

Sophisticated diagnosis and outpatient care equipment, including:

  • a 12-lead EKG
  • sphygmomanometers
  • spirometry kits
  • crash carts

A secure, temperature-monitored medication room with three fridges (including -20°C, -70°C and -80 °C) connected to a 24-hour alarm system

On-site laboratory with a laminar flow cabinet for PBMCs and for preparation of investigational product

All the necessary equipment to perform timely, precise laboratory work, including:

  • temperature-controlled centrifuges
  • a liquid nitrogen tank
  • dry ice

Access to MRI and PET scan facilities

Access to a local laboratory